Thank you "A Great Day in Harlem" supporters for your purchases of Body By R.A.N B-Oil, B-Butter and just stopping by to pay several compliments on my natural hair and African attire on Sunday, July 29, 2018 @ U.S. Grant National Memorial National Park, W. 122nd Street and Riverside Drive from 12:00pm - 6:00pm!
- Robbin N
- Joune S
- Joycw C
- Lucia H
- Carmel P
- Robin S
- Lorraine C
- C. Taitt
- Marsha D
- Millicent S
- Bali J
-Candice W
- Claudia A
- Carmen D
- Fred A
- Carolyn B
- Deborah R
- Andre JL
- Jacqueline R
- Renee W
- Debbie B
- Y. Joshua
- Ann & Cedric W
- Kim Q
- Terry-Ann F
- Kahira D
- Starr P It was my pleasure to serve and inspire you. I look forward to seeing you next year at #greatdayinharlem.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind" #rocanatural @rocanatural #ebonifandangles #bodybyranboil #bodybyranbbutter #tshirtstyle #rocanaturalfashions #moisturiser #skincareluxury #bodybutter #bodyoil #harlemweek2018 @harlemweek #agreatday #greaterharlemchamberofcommerce #africanjewelry #fashionable