Join Roc-A-Natural on Saturday, August 11, 2018 at the Black VegFest, BedStuy, Brooklyn(Herkimer Street btwn Ralph & Howard Aves) from 10:00am-5:00pm for a celebration of veganism, fitness, fun and more while shopping with Roc-A-Natural Body By R.A.N B-Oil and B-Butter, Tshirts, Hoodies and Roc-A-Natural Fashion! In support of Black VegFest, Roc-A-Natural sponsorship: *FREE samples of Body By R.A.N B-Oil while supplies last! **A chance to win raffle of Roc-A-Natural Health Basket ----- Continue to get your shop on with Roc-A-Natural while getting your groove on at Soul Summit Music Festival, Sunday, August 12th at Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn from 3:00pm-8:00pm. "It's all about being in a natural state of mind" #rocanatural @rocanatural #ran2019expo #rocnwednesday #BlackVegFest @blackvegfest #soulsummit2018 @soulsummitftgreenepark #ftgreenepark #bodybyranboil #bodybyranbbutter #tshirtstyle #rocanaturalfashions #moisturizer #skincareluxury #bodybutters