R.A.N Tip of The Week! “A Great Day in Harlem 2018” Roc-A-Natural and Eboni Fandangles are super excited to be proud vendors at the "A Great Day in Harlem", Sunday, July 29, 2018 @ U.S. Grant National Memorial National Park, W. 122nd Street and Riverside Drive from 12:00pm - 8:00pm!!! Come shop with us for your favorite Roc-A-Natural Body By R.A.N B-Oil, B-Butter, Tshirts, Roc-A-Natural Fashion and fabulous Afrocentric Jewelry. Participants can also enjoy an Outdoor Festival, Picnic, Fashion Show and Concerts, saluting Gospel, Dance, Theater, Latin, Rhythm & Blues and Jazz. There will also be arts & crafts, food from around the world, exhibitions, corporate exhibits, career recruitment and much more! Check out all of the “Great Day in Harlem” events below: Artz, Rootz & Rhythm International Cultural Showcase – 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM This portion of the day begins the stage entertainment featuring Local and regional dance companies and cultural organizations along with international artists including. Some of the artists include IMPACT Repertory Theater, Uptown Dance Academy among others. International Gospel Showcase – 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Local, National and International Gospel Choirs and performers take the stage “to make a joyful noise”. Fashion Fusion Showcase – 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM The first of HARLEM WEEK’s Fashion shows highlighting the best in fashion from up & coming Urban Designers locally, nationally & internationally. Concert Under The Stars – 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM A Great Day In Harlem Closes with The Concert Under The Stars featuring Musical Tributes to iconic music legends and performances from award-winning, nationally recognized artists along with Music Director Ray Chew & The Harlem Music Festival All-Star Band. Admission: Free #rocanatural @rocanatural #ebonifandangles #bodybyranboil #bodybyranbbutter #tshirtstyle #rocanaturalfashions #moisturiser #skincareluxury #bodybutter #bodyoil #harlemweek2018 @harlemweek #greaterharlemchamberofcommerce #africanjewelry #fashionable