As a southerner of North Carolina, I absolutely love me some southern food, but know that it is not always the healthiest choice. Since the birth of Roc-A-Natural in 2013, I have been on a healthier journey and looking to transform some of the southern foods I grew up on for a healthier option. Check out my version of Low Carb Dirty "Rice" recipe below: Ingredients - Olive oil as needed - 2 tablespoons chopped onion - 2 cloves of garlic chopped - 3 Hot Turkey sausages, fried and sliced - Onion Powder to taste - 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika - 1/2 teaspoon dried oregeno - 1 3/4 cups of finely chopped cauliflower - 1 1/2 - 2 cups of halved Brussel Sprouts - 1 cup of fresh sliced mushrooms - 1/2 red pepper sliced - 1/4 cup Chicken Bouillon Concentrate - 1/2 teaspoon of Jerk Seasoning - 1 Acorn or butternut squash, baked and cubed - Salt and Pepper to taste Instructions Heat oil in a heavy skillet up until it is very hot. Add the hot turkey sausage and brown on all sides. Remove from pan and cool. Add the onion, garlic, red sliced peppers, mushrooms, brussels sprouts and cauliflower rice and saute until the vegetables get a few brown spots of caramelization on them, about 5 minutes or so. Add the sliced cooked turkey sausages and cook until all vegetables are done. Season with listed seasonings. Add the chicken stock all at once and cook on low until the liquid disappears and the steaming stops. If your pan is really hot this will only take a minute or two. Don't overcook the cauliflower rice. Add the baked Acorn squash. #rocanatural #rantipoftheweek #lowcarbdirtyrice #healthyfoodoptions #healthylifestylechange