Missed The Self-Love Workshop with Nikkie Pryce, Best-selling Author of Dreamers, Take Action! the blueprint to go from dreamer to doer!, Speaker and I AM Community leader at The Roc-A-Natural Expo?
Subscribe to the Roc-A-Natural website at www.rocanatural.com and view the presentation on the Workshop and Demo page.
This specially designed presentation is all about empowering, educating and uplifting women to create a positive environment through self-love and self-awareness.
Learn how to overcome domestic violence, find the love you deserve, leave dead-end jobs, apply practical steps to beat mental challenges, emotional and physical aspects of self-love.
*GET A SIGNED COPY OF Dreamers,Take Action! the blueprint to go from dreamer to doer! for $11.99 by clicking here: http://www.rocanatural.com/
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
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