Join Nikkie Pryce, Best-selling Author of Dreamers, Take Action! the blueprint to go from dreamer to doer!, Speaker and I AM Community leader for the Self-Love Workshop at the 5th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo on Sunday, May 13, 2018 at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, 2180 Third Avenue, N.Y. 10035! *First 200 attendees to purchase their ticket, http://www.rocanatural.com/2018-expo-tickets and register for workshop http://www.rocanatural.com/roc-a-natural-expo-workshops--demos will receive FREE signed copy! The purpose of this workshop is to empower, educate and uplift women to create a positive environment through self-love and self-awareness. This specially designed workshop has helped women overcome domestic violence, find the love love they deserve, leave dead-end jobs, apply practical steps to beat mental challenges. There are times when people will tell you “just love yourself” but rarely back it up with strategies on how to do so. Nikkie will host a hands-on interactive workshop that will focus on the mental, emotional and physical aspects of self-love. Learn more about Nikkie Pryce at http://www.nikkiepryce.com/ "It's all about being in a natural state of mind" #rocanatural #ran2018expo #ranhotspavilion #selflove #nikkiepryce #iamcommunityleader #empower #educate #uplift #women #stopdomesticviolence #mentalhealth