I am excited to welcome Anne Scavotto, Marketing Director, World Financial Group, NYC for Becoming A Proud Roc’n Exhibitor at the 2018 Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo held on Sunday, May 13, 2018 at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, 2180 Third Avenue, East Harlem, N.Y. 10035 from 10:00am-6:00pm!
Join Anne at the Money Matters Workshop at The Roc-A-Natural Expo by purchasing your ticket http://www.rocanatural.com/2018-expo-tickets and reserving your space http://www.rocanatural.com/roc-a-natural-expo-workshops--demos to learn about: how money works, debt and saving strategies, retirement tips, tax advantages plans and the pros and cons of College 529 plans and more!
Get a head start and complete the attached Financial Freedom survey and bring to the Money Matters Workshop for a chance to win a surprise gift!
Anne is an educator, who is impassioned by the World Financial Group mission statement, "NO Family Left Behind" and having personally experienced the life altering benefits of financial education and its implementation, she has given 8 years of service to helping countless individuals and families dream, create, and protect their families. She has assisted staff, parents, individuals and business owners in NYC, Westchester, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Georgia through financial education and free consultations address their needs and concerns in the areas of saving money and investments, college funding vehicles, retirement life style strategies, life and disability risk management and debt management.
"I am excited to be a part of The Roc-A-Natural Expo! It's mission, "living in a natural state of mind" is very complimentary to my goal of ensuring Financial well-being!"
To learn more about Anne Scavotto and World Financial Group, visit