The New Body By R.A.N B-Butter with Avocado-H.E.R is now available in sizes 1oz, 2oz, 4oz and 8oz!
This light and fresh scent is the perfect combination to describe the New Body By R.A.N B-Butter with Avocado-H.E.R moisturizer. Avocado works well for wrinkles and age spots. When applied with cocoa butter, it helps in lightening scars and spots and gives you a radiant skin tone. This fruit is naturally loaded with over 25 vital nutrients including vitamins (A, B, C, E, and K) and minerals such as copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus which has enhanced the Body By R.A.N B-Butter-H.E.R to combat the Winter dryness as it heals!
The New Body By R.A.N B-Butter with Avocado-H.E.R is a great skincare choice from head to toe!
To learn more about additional scents and prices, visit www.rocanatural.com and click on the product tab.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
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