2018 is here and you have another year to get it right! Every bite you take is either fighting disease OR feeding it. Which do you choose?
While eating is for most, an enjoyable activity, the constant intake of the wrong foods can quickly add up to a health problem. Generally speaking, you should avoid foods that are overly fatty (particularly those of animal origin such as fatty meat cuts), those that are overly processed, (canned foods such as soups, pasta, gravies, sauces, etc.), and those that are overly sweetened. Artificial sweeteners are also a no-no for the truly health-conscious.
Here are some pointers on how to improve your dietary intake for maximum health:
Drink at least eight glasses of pure bottled or filtered water daily. Water keeps the body hydrated, which is essential for all organs and systems. (Excess consumption of strong diuretics such as drugs, coffee and certain black teas can increase your need for water.)
Avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils (trans fatty acids) commonly added to refined foods as they have well-documented negative impacts on health. These chemically altered trans fatty acids will embed within cell membranes, particularly if consumed in excess quantities, negatively affecting the function of the cells.
Limit your intake of refined sugars including pasteurized honey. Refined sugars can lead to abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar resulting in mood swings, lowered immunity and lowered energy levels (fatigue). Try natural sugar (sucrose) alternatives such as stevia.
Increase your dietary intake of flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and walnuts as they supply the essential omega 3 fatty acid building block required by cell membranes to maintain structure and function. These fats are particularly beneficial for the cardiovascular system and to help the body minimize inflammatory processes.
Consume mainly “natural” foods. Fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables are loaded with phytochemicals (plant nutrients) and fiber, which help to fight free radical action and keep the digestive system “regular.”
Increase your dietary intake of human probiotic (acidophilus, bifidus, etc.) cultures from reputable food and/or supplement companies. Healthy bacteria such as these help your gastrointestinal tract digest foods properly and manufacture important B-vitamins for your body to utilize.
Eat more slowly and chew your food extra well to improve digestion. As the body ages, it produces a reduced amount of enzymes and stomach acid. This hampers the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients. To prevent or remedy this situation, you may want to supplement your diet with Betaine HCL and digestive enzyme tablets or capsules. These should be taken with meals to increase your ability to breakdown food particles properly. (This helps to decrease the absorption of large foreign particles into your bloodstream, which may provoke abnormal inflammatory, spasmodic and degenerative reactions.)
It is often difficult to maintain adequate nutrient intake in this fast paced world full of processed food; therefore, it may be wise to add a high-quality vitamin-mineral supplement to your wellness plan.
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"~ Dorcas Meyers
*Roc-A-Natural is seeking a school in Manhattan to host the 5th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo in the spring 2018. Contact me at ran@rocanatural.com to be apart of the solution!!! To view a snapshot of last years event, visit www.rocanatural.com.
#rocanatural @rocanatural #rantipoftheweek #ran #ranhotspavilion #ran2018expo #healthyfood #eatwisely #doyourbodygood #naturallyfit #sharegoodness #healthandwellness #healthylifestyle #fightingdisease