Umoja: To "strive" and "maintain" unity in the family, community, nation and race. ----- *BODY BY R.A.N HOLIDAY GIFT SETS FOR KWANZAA ARE AVAILABLE FOR $25.00!!!* "My fiancé and his son loved the oils and body butter I gave him for Christmas. Will be purchasing more. Thank you for making an incredible quality product!"~Garnette Thomas, S.I. "It's all about being in a natural state of mind"~Dorcas Meyers Join the conversation at Roc-A-Natural and follow us on Twitter at and Instagram@rocanatural. #rocanatural #happykwanzaa #kwanzaa #Day1 #Umoja #unityinthefamily #unityinthecommunity #ADifferentPerspective #beaboutit #letscelebrate #giftset #giftsforher #giftsforhim #bodybyranboil #bodybyranbbutter #natural #moisturizer #skincare #haircare #facecare #beardcareproducts #qualityproduct #testimonys