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ROC'N Wednesday! Look Who Is On Display @ UTA!

Writer's picture: Dorcas MeyersDorcas Meyers

Look who is on display at the Universal Temple of the Arts(UTA) Gift Shop, 425 Jersey Street, Staten Island, N.Y. 10301...Roc-A-Natural's Body By R.A.N B-Products that's who! Stop in and get your holiday shopping on with Body By R.A.N B-Oil, Body By R.A.N B-Butter and Holiday Gift Sets; and while you are there, learn more about UTA and it's life enrichment, culture and art programs.

Set-up an appointment with Sajda Musawwir Ladner to shop Body By R.A.N by calling 718-273-5610. "It's all about being in a natural state of mind"~ Dorcas Meyers #rocanatural #rocnwednesday #universaltempleofthearts #giftshop #handcrafteditems #moisturizer #natural #shopbodybyran #shoprocanatural #artist #lifeenrichment #culture #community_queen #supportsmallbusinesses #localbusinesses  

Roc-A-Natural H.O.T.S Pavilion
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