Blackball, blackmail, blacklist, blackmarket, black cat, etc... It wasn't always like that; something that was once positive is now seen as negative; it is one of the most powerful colors in existence. In actuality black has always been and will always be a source of power and influence. Just look at how the day after "Thanksgiving" is used to gain wealth in the retail industry and naming it "Black Friday". Here are all the real positives: - As a color black has the ability to attract to it all rays of color and light - Black is an absorber of both light and cosmic radiation - Black capstones were often placed on Egyptian pyramids and obselisks because of the powers inherent in the color black - Solar energy cells are black - Dry cell batteries are powered by black chemicals - Energy is drawn towards black substances where it can be stored for a determined period of time and used as needed Here is the clearing up of some misconceptions: - Black as a color does not denote death; in some African and Oriental traditions white is used to symbolize death So why the negative connotation? - In ancient Egypt, the god of the earth was represented by a black image of Osiris, who was often called the "Lord of the Perfect Black" - The original name for Egypt was Kemet (The Black Land) - Shrines of Black Madonna can be found throughout all of Europe - The large block of stone in Mecca (the Ka'ba) is a black monolith of extreme importance to the Islamic community - Judges, priests, nuns, witches, warlocks all wear black I have a dream that one day soon that people of color will consciously arise and celebrate "Black Friday" as our day of wealth building and celebrating economic empowerment by shopping with Black businesses and celebration of being thankful for building wealth in our community. Remembering the Day of Mourning on Thursday for the Native Americans who suffered mass murdering on "Thanksgiving". #rocanatural #rocnwednesday #blackisbeautiful #blackisin #colormeblack #positives #blackisnotsad #blackispowerful #black #blackfriday