There are all kinds of different definitions for the word “natural”. Many foods are labeled “natural” in an attempt to appeal to the conscientious consumer. Corn growers pay for advertisements that say that High Fructose Corn Syrup is “natural”. Well, sure it is…in a loose sense of the word I suppose, but that doesn’t make it good for us. Hell…arsenic is natural.
My own definition to Roc-A-Natural is living a “Natural Lifestyle”. “Getting back to the basics”. Whether we’re talking about food in its natural form, hair that is chemical free, family choices and in general, taking care of ourselves and living a chemical and process free lifestyle.
The Roc-A-Natural brand is NOT a black thing; it's a more natural lifestyle change that emphasizes the beauty of natural hair and educating diverse generations of all ages about the importance of proper nutrition and exercise to illuminate your beauty from the inside out for a holistic new you. It is inclusive to all ethnicities, genders and lifestyles.
Roc-A-Natural is home of the Body By R.A.N B-Oil and Body By R.A.N B-Butters, a 100% natural moisturizer from head to toe. We only use natural ingredients such as Castor, Grapeseed, Olive oils and Vitamin E and Essential oil blends to nourish your hair and skin. The Body By R.A.N B-Butter is rich in Shea, Mango and Cocoa Butters; Aloe and Wheat Germ.
Listen to what a couple of satisfied R.A.N customers have told me:
"It's been almost a year and I can't stop raving about this product. My skin changed completely. Nothing else makes it feel as silky as this does. If I run out of it between ordering, I literally count down the days until my shipment comes in. It smells delicious and improved the overall quality of my skin!!! Thank you for making my body so beautiful!" Bella Nina Ozerovsky
"I have very sensitive skin and most commercial products end up irritating my body. Anything I've tried from ROC-A-NATURAL is nourishing, soothing, and smells AMAZING. I'm happy to find a product both free of harsh chemicals AND perfectly aromatic. It is a joy to the senses!...Thank you, Dorcas!!!" Aubrey Kipp
Here are Six simple ways I’d like to suggest to live a more Natural Lifestyle:
1. Eat Real Food
No fast foods or junk snacks! Real food is best. Food in it’s natural form. Food that isn’t processed and have nutritional value.
2. Drink Water
One of the simplest (and cheapest!) ways for you to adopt a more natural lifestyle is to stop filling your body with sugared down beverages and just drink water.
3. Exercise
Yeah, and this advice is coming from me…the woman you see on Facebook Live jogging and pestering you to get up and exercise at least three days a week. I guarantee once you get started exercising regularly, "it's an itch that just won't quit."
A side benefit of exercising: You’ll crave more water and more real foods, resulting in beautiful skin and a slimmer waistline.
4. Embrace Your Natural Hair
I embrace my hair by wearing it in its natural, graying kinky state and free of chemicals. I realized in my adult age that with the color of my skin comes the texture of my hair so I have to embrace it because that is how God created me; beautiful and in his/her image. Roc-A-Natural is dedicated to building self-esteem through emphasizing the beauty of natural hair.
5. Stay Home More
This may seem like a weird item for our Natural Lifestyle list…but it doesn’t get much simpler or more natural than this. Stay home more. You’ll save money, your vehicles will last longer…and joy of joys…you may not be so worn out all the time! I find that when I’m running from here to there and back again…I am completely exhausted AND behind on all the work I need to do at home. When you’re home more…you’ll find you’ll be more rested and more relaxed…naturally.
6. Waste Less
The more natural your lifestyle, the less waste you’ll have. If you make your food from scratch, you’ll have a lot less packaging trash. If you serve smaller portions and make it a point to eat leftovers, you’ll throw away less food. If you don’t buy stuff you don’t need, you’ll waste a LOT less money. If you use cloth napkins and let your kids draw on used scratch paper, you’ll save a lot of trees. None of these things are hard. You just have to be a bit more intentional.
And then of course there are all kinds of other things I’d recommend as you work your way to a more Natural Lifestyle, like planting a garden(this is next on my bucket list and my friend, Suzette Turner has the green thumb and will be getting me started soon), buying locally grown produce and other foods, getting good sleep and eating lots of live foods.
In addition, Roc-A-Natural provides a platform to promote entrepreneurship and tools for wealth building at the Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo.
So you see, Roc-A-Natural is NOT a Black thing. It's a more natural lifestyle change that is inclusive of all.
I invite you to share your thoughts and to share this blog with friends, family and co-workers as well as visit the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com to learn how you can be a part of the 5th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo in 2018.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
#rocanatural #ranhotspavilion #ran2018expo #naturallifestyle #backtobasics #rocanaturalisforallpeople #natural #unprocessed #haircare #skincare #healthandwellness #fitness #mentalhealth