Roc-A-Natural would like to thank Bait-ul Jamaat & Muslim Sisters of S.I. for a successful 2nd Annual Community Eid Celebration 2017, Friday, September 1, 2017 @ Midland Beach, Staten Island, N.Y.!!!
The Roc-A-Natural Body By R.A.N B-Oils and B-Butters were a hit and I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to the following supporters: *Gail A
*Pamela H
*Yvonne J
*Najla Khass
*Ebony L *Luis M
*Aber N
**THANK YOU Marjorie for setting it off early by stopping by the R.A.N headquarters to pick-up your usual Body By R.A.N B-Oil-B.O.S.S and your continual support! ***A very special THANK YOU to Mr. Meyers for your continual support and the master behind the R.A.N display!!! If you didn't get a chance to come shopping with Roc-A-Natural, visit www rocanatural.com. *FREE Roc-A-Natural Health and Beauty pack compliments of our 2017 Roc-A-Natural Expo Sponsors with the purchase of any (1) item while supplies last! "It's all about being in a natural state of mind" #rocanatural #baituljamaat #muslimsistersofsi #communityeidcelebration2017 #midlandbeach #nycparks #bodybyran #shopbodybyran #bodybyranboil #bodybyranbbutter #naturalmoisturizer #skincare #haircare #hoodies #tshirts #greatdeals #ran2017exposponsors #healthandbeautypack #curls #naturesbounty #rawrevolution