If I had a Dad... If I had a Dad that was there for me as a child and through my adult years as my protector, provider and profess unconditional love for me, I would say more than “Happy Father’s Day”. I would also want to thank you for the sleepless nights, teeth-gritting, and tongue-biting; building my self-esteem each time you tell me how beautiful I am even when I was the biggest in the bunch; stroking my natural kinky coily twisted braided and afro puffs; loving my light, dark, or cocoa covered skin; introducing me to black history and the importance of education, health and wellness and entrepreneurship; how to be a respectable young lady, good wife and mother; how to be a giver of good deeds; But most of all the love I have felt every single day of my life. Happy Father's Day to all of the Dad's who are holding it down and representing good Dads! #rocanatural #happyfathersday #fathersday #saythankyoutodad #givedadthebestgift #itsallaboutthefatherstoday #teamdads #realmenaregooddads