Let Body By R.A.N suggest the perfect gift to honor your Dad and Grad with these signature natural moisturizers:
Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Trio(2oz H.I.M, U.S & Citrus) - $62
Body By R.A.N Queen B(2oz B-Oil-Almonilla & 4oz B-Butter-Vanilla) - $42
Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Deuces(2oz B.O.S.S & H.I.M w/oil burner) - $50
Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Trio2(2oz H.E.R, Citrus & U.S) - $62
*Get a healthy and beauty pack compliments of our 2017 Roc-A-Natural Expo Sponsors (CURLS, Miss Jessies, Nature's Bounty, Natural Roots NYC and Raw Revolution) for FREE!
All you have to do is buy a Dads/Grads gift set OR any 2 Roc-A-Natural product and subscribe to Roc-A-Natural.
LETS GO SHOPPING at www.rocanatural.com!!
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
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