The 4th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo is seeking Youth-Preneurs and Holistic Practitioners to assist with providing the one stop shop experience for all things natural to transform the mindset of a whole community to seek a more natural way of life for a holistic new you. In addition, Roc-A-Natural is providing this special offer to all Youth-Preneurs to provide a platform to promote entrepreneurship and the tools for wealth building.
Educational Workshops, Roc-A-Natural Hair Fashion Show, a Pop-up Salon, Heal Ones Total Self "H.O.T.S" Pavilion and Wellness Lounge and the Roc-A-Natural Awards.
Holistic Practitioners/Youth-Prenuers - $175
New Vendors - $325
2016 R.A.N Returning Vendors - $285
For more information, please visit the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com or call 917-406-7736.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"