Health-conscious people have trusted Nature’s Bounty® products for decades. Their dedication to quality, consistency, and scientific research has resulted in vitamins and nutritional supplements of unrivaled excellence. By combining the latest breakthroughs in nutritional science with the finest ingredients, Nature's Bounty will provide you with supplements of unsurpassed quality and value. I am super excited to announce Nature's Bounty becoming a 2017 R.A.N Sponsor and will be providing samples to the first 250 consumers at the 4th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Midtown, 440 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019!!! **Come get your gift bag full of goodies to assist you on your natural lifestyle journey by visiting www.rocanatural.com and purchase your tickets TODAY!** ***Become a Sponsor, Vendor, Holistic Practitioner, Educator, Stylist, Designer and Entertainer by visiting www.rocanatural.com and register and make payment today!*** "It's all about being in a natural state of mind" ------ SEEKING: Sponsors, Guest Speakers, Educators, Entertainers, Community Partners, Affiliates, Volunteers PURCHASE: Tickets and Journal Ads for the R.A.N 2017 Expo Join the conversation at www.facebook.com/groups/rocanatural and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/rocanatural and Instagram@rocanatural. #rocanatural #naturesbounty #2017ranexposponsor #sponsorship #supplementsforgoodhealth #ran2017expo #beapartofthesolution #2litecreations #accessories #itworkswithtahira #itworks #thatcrazywrapthing #danitlynn.jewelry #tracilynn #ohildaholguin #Purium #wellnesscoach #itworkswithtahira #missjessies #rawrevolution #vendors #expo #speaker #entertainer #volunteer #journalads #healthandwellness #naturalhair #fitforlife #nutritious