Have you ever been on a vacation without boarding a plane, boat, bus or a car?
Mr. Meyers and I have just experienced such a vacation right at home with Sheree Turner-Sophas, Lmt, Owner of Surreal Serenity Massage Therapy, LLC! Sheree took us on a Mental Vacation that had my mind traveling to a beautiful place of pure serenity as she healed my body through guided meditation, aroma/sound and massage therapy from head to toe as well as the isolated stretching to balance my body. The sweet infusion of Roc-A-Natural Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Vanilla sent me to a blissful state of full body repair and just being!
Everyone deserves a Mental Vacation; why not take a step towards holistic well-being and full body healing with Surreal Serenity Massage Therapy by calling 917-650-6857 or visit www.surrealserenitymassage.com.
*Mobile massage therapy. Corporate and personal client service.*
Still undecided about being apart of the solution at 4th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Midtown, 440 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 from 10:00am to 8:00pm?
Here are just 5 reasons why you should be apart of the solution:
- Inspire living a healthy and natural lifestyle through proper nutrition and exercise to illuminate your beauty from the inside out for a holistic new you.
- Empower by providing the tools necessary for a successful transformation.
- Educate by sharing the information to learn how to be successful.
- Encourage entreprenurship and managing your own business.
- Building self-esteem by helping the next generation recognize their full potential through emphasizing the beauty of natural hair and Roc-A-Natural confidently.
- New Vendors- $325
- R.A.N Returning Vendors - $285
- Holistic Practitioners- $225
- Youth-Prenuers - $225
Confirm your table by visiting the website, www.rocanatural.com and complete the online fill-able vendor application.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
*Become a 2017 Sponsor, Guest Speaker, Educator, Stylist, Designer and Entertainer!*
Send an email to ran@rocanatural.com to become sponsor, guest speaker, educator, stylist, designer, entertainer, volunteer, press credentials, interviews and bloggers.
To learn more, visit www.rocanatural.com, join the conversation at Roc-A-Natural and follow on Twitter at twitter.com/rocanatural and Instagram @rocanatural