I am super excited about the gaining popularity of the new Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Vanilla Spice, 100% natural moisturizer from head to toe!!! While being treated to a delicious and wholesome lunch today at Dig Inn, 80 Pine St, New York, N.Y. 10005, the fabulous staff who serviced me stated "you smell really good". I thanked them, but was amazed as they could smell me through my fox jacket and behind the glass counter! Get yours TODAY!!... Makes for the perfect gift!!...Great Stocking Stuffer!! ----- TWO MORE DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!! - 2oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-H.E.R, B-Oil-Lavender and B-Butter-Vanilla = $58.00 - 8oz Body By R.A.N B-Butter-Lavender and 2oz B-Butter-Vanilla = $48.00 - 2oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-H.E.R, B-Oil-H.I.M, B-Butter U.S and 2oz Lavender Sea Salt =$63.00 - 2oz Body By R.A.N B-Butter-U.S , 4oz Body By R.A.N-H.I.M and Oil Burner =$45.00 - 2oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Lavender, Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Vanilla, 4oz B-Butter-Vanilla, 2oz
- Lavender Sea Salt and 1oz Body By R.A.N-B-Butter-Lavender for $68.00 - 8oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Lavender and 2oz Lavender Sea Salt - $72.00 "It's all about being in a natural state of mind" ------- Join the conversation at Roc-A-Natural and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/rocanatural and Instagram @rocanatural. #rocanatural #mymoisturizerisbetterthanyours#bodybyranboilvanillaspice #aromatherapy#bodybyranboil #bodybyranbbutter #holidaygiftsets#giftsforher #giftsforhim #gifts #naturalmoisturizer#skincare #naturalhaircare #natural #beauty