Looking for that perfect holiday gift? Shop with Roc-A-Natural!!!
2oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Lavender, 2oz Lavender Sea Salt, Foot Brush and Bath Caddy = $38.00
2oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-H.E.R, B-Oil-Lavender and B-Butter-Vanilla = $58.00
8oz Body By R.A.N B-Butter-Lavender and 2oz B-Butter-Vanilla = $48.00
2oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-H.E.R, B-Oil-H.I.M, B-Butter U.S and 2oz Lavender Sea Salt =$63.00
2oz Body By R.A.N B-Butter-U.S , 4oz Body By R.A.N-H.I.M and Oil Burner =$45.00
2oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Lavender, Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Vanilla, 4oz B-Butter-Vanilla, 2oz Lavender Sea Salt and 1oz Body By R.A.N-B-Butter-Lavender for $68.00
8oz Body By R.A.N B-Oil-Lavender and 2oz Lavender Sea Salt - $72.00
The 2017 R.A.N Expo Early Bird Specials are in effect for ELEVEN more days!!!
R.A.N Returning Vendors/Holistic Practitioners - $260.00 New Vendors - $285.00 Youth-Preneurs - $225.00
The 4th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo is the perfect venue for you to showcase your products and services to an estimated 500 consumers to assist with successfully transforming a life to a healthy and natural state of mind.
Give the gift of health and beauty this Mother's Day and inspire another on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Midtown, 440 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 from 10:00am-8:00pm!
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind" ------- For more information on registering to become a Vendor, registration form and payment to reserve your space, visit www.rocanatural.com.
SEEKING: Sponsors, Guest Speakers, Educators, Entertainers, Community Partners, Affiliates, Volunteers
PURCHASE: Tickets and Journal Ads for the R.A.N Expo
Join the conversation at Roc-A-Natural and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/rocanatural and Instagram@rocanatural.
#rocanatural #rocnwednesday #ran2017expo #danitlynn.jewelry #tracilynn#ohildaholguin #Purium #wellnesscoach #missjessies #vendors #expo#sponsorship #speaker #entertainer #volunteer #journalads#healthandwellness #naturalhair #motivate #inspire #fitforlife #nutrition