After doing the big loc chop on Friday, September 30, 2016, I have been in pursuit of healthier hair and that includes what types of products I use on my hair during its fragile state.
If you read the ingredients on a bottle of commercially produced shampoo, you might not even know how to pronounce all the chemicals that are inside. Those chemicals may not be good for your hair, skin or body. Instead of washing your hair in a bath of chemicals, you can try this easy do-it-yourself shampoo recipe that uses rosemary and peppermint. Not only does this shampoo free you from chemicals, but it also nourishes and strengthens your hair. To make rosemary peppermint shampoo, add 1/2 cup of liquid castile soap to a bottle. Add twenty or more drops of rosemary essential oil and four drops of peppermint essential oil. Pour 1/2 cup of filtered water into the bottle. Close the lid and gently shake the bottle to mix the shampoo. This combination of essential oils is good for your mind in addition to your hair. It has energizing effects and may also help to boost your mental alertness if you use it during your daily morning showers. *Learn more about how to live in a natural state of mind at the 4th Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, Saturday, May 13, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Midtown, 440 West 57th Street, New York City 10019. Get your TICKET or become an EDUCATOR, VENDOR, SPONSOR, SPEAKER, STYLIST, DESIGNER, ENTERTAINER and ROC'STAR by visiting www.rocanatural.com*