Did you know that your blood is made up of 90% water and we need water to keep the heart pumping? When we drink a cup of coffee we lose 4 cups of water from the body which puts great stress on the heart kidneys and increase blood pressure to the heart . The only thing your body can recognize and replenish the blood with is water. No additives should be included because when we add juice, tea bag or anything to water, the molecular structure is altered and the body no longer recognizes it as water anymore.
For more information on replenishing the blood or healing what ales you, contact Dr. Myrie, dr.myrie@yahoo.co.uk.
Dr. Myrie is a nutritionist and naturopathic doctor who empower others to take back control of their health through education, healing physically, mentally and emotionally. She has extensive experience in working with mental health i.e. schizophrenia , ADHD, Autism, bipolar, major depression and brain injuries. Dr. Myrie also work with people who has been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases such as lupus, arthritis, asthma and diabetes. She has spent many years finding the root causes of several diseases and her mission is to make a difference in peoples lives through healing and education.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind "
#RocANatural #ranhotspavilion #naturopathic #nutritionist #waterisessential #replenishtheblood #healthybody #drmyrie