Who are the people living inside of you? What emotions and toxic are disturbing them? Is there a need for detoxing, cleansing and nourishing?
Dr Muwwakkil, will guide you through understanding how to identify the needs of these people at the Roc-A -Natural Expo. He will not only be bringing words, thoughts and encouragement of self-healing, he will also bring detoxing packages. Each herbal formula will assist you in detoxing, cleansing and nourishing your physical body. His words of encouragement will aid you in promoting your power to explore the depths of the people living inside of you during a 45-minute lecture on “How Many People Live Inside of You,” at the Roc-A-Natural Expo. You will walk into a lecture and float out in touch with the depth of your spirit.
“Understanding the people who live inside of you, is your power for self-healing. Self-healing is the spiritual pathway to God’s Love.” Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil, President, Energy Institute of the Healing Arts Foundation, Inc, 12911 Woodmore Road, Mitchellville, MD 20721, 301-249-2445.
To learn more about understanding the people who live inside of you and the detoxification process, join Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil at his workshop, "How Many People Live Inside of You" at the Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, April 10, 2016 at the Holiday Inn, 440 West 57 Street, New York 10019.
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"It's all about being in a natural state of mind "