Do you want beautiful, thick, growing, shiny healthy hair?
You can by maintaining a clean healty scalp for hair growth to occur by following each step of NU-GRO Haircare System which is made with natural herbs and vitamins that are formulated to Grow, Thicken and Heal damaged hair. The MEGA system can help maintain healthy hair, AND/OR repair damaged hair. If you have shedding, breakage, edges disappearing... crown thinning.... hairline receding or slow growth, we're sure we have the answer for you! As demonstrated by Ateeya on youtube, this system is designed to help you quickly grow hair, thicken hair, stop shedding/breaking, turn heads and give you a confidence boost!
This Top Seller comes with all 4 hair growth steps: Hair-GRO Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturizing Spray, Oil-Free Spray and Professional Strength Hair-GRO oil AND a FREE Satin Sleep Cap too! Comes with easy to use instructions too. With this system, you should see shedding and hair breakage reduced and stopped in the first 2 weeks. Hair growth, more length and filling in of balding areas usually becomes noticeable after 3 weeks. Most of these products are ALL NATURAL. All NU-GRO hair products are packed with natural herbs and vitamins.In short, get this system for healthy, beautiful, strong, growing, flowing, blowing hair! Once your hair is at the level you desire, continue to use NU-GRO to keep your hair healthy, beautiful and manageable.
Stop hiding your edges behind wigs, extensions or bangs and use Nu-GRO to begin to obtain optimal growth.
NU-GRO shampooing and conditioning Tips :
1. How often you wash your hair should be based on how much oil your scalp creates.
o If your scalp is oily, you may need to wash it as often as once a day.
o If you have chemically treated hair, your hair may be drier, so you may want to wash it less frequently.
2. Concentrate shampoo on the scalp. When washing your hair, concentrate on cleaning primarily the scalp, rather than washing the entire length of hair. Washing only your hair can create flyaway hair that is dull and coarse.
3. Use conditioner after every shampoo. Using a conditioner can significantly improve the look of damaged or weathered hair by increasing shine, decreasing static electricity, improving strength and offering some protection from harmful UV rays.
4. Concentrate conditioner on the ends of the hair. Because conditioners can make fine hair look limp, they only should be used on the tips of the hair and not on the scalp or length of the hair.
To learn more about Nu Gro, join them at the the 3rd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, Sunday, April 10, 2016 at the Holiday Inn, 440 West 57th Street, NYC 10019 and receive Expo pricing specials on all of their products!!! You can also visit their website at www.NuGroHair.com and facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/nugrohairproducts.
Sign up to receive their newsletter for a chance to win a Mega Hair GRO System! Products give aways will be available during Nu Gro Product Demonstration.
Roc-A-Natural is excited to announce the sponsorship of Vera Moore Cosmetics and Skincare at this years R.A.N Expo!!! We are thrilled to have Dr. Jeff Gardere, America's Psychologist return as the Keynote Speaker!!!
Purchase your General Admission ticket NOW for just $10...Students and Seniors are $5 via www.rocanatural.com for a chance to win 2 FREE make-overs at the Roc-A-Natural Pop-up Salon featuring Vera Moore Cosmetics and Skincare!!!
Phenomenal Speakers:
-Zakiyyah Maakheper-Ast, Herbs That Heal,
- Omowale Adewale, Author, Fitness Expert, "How To Make Healthy Snacks"
- Malaika Tamu-Cooper, Dreadz & Heads, "Loving My Natural Hair...What If I Have No Hair?"
- William Clanton, Precise MGMT, Youth-Preneurs Workshop
- Ricardo Black, Motivational Speaker, "Ending Toxic Relationships"
- Lisa Shephard-Stewart, Cultured Expressions, "The Art of ROC'N A Head Wrap"
- Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil, Healenart Acupunture Wellness Studio, LLC, "How Many People Live Inside of You?"
Featuring Paula Ralph Birkett, Singer and DJ BME and MORE TO COME!!!
- Natural Hair Fashion Show
- Roc-A-Natural Awards
- R.A.N H.O.T.S Health Pavilion
- ROC'N Kidz Zone
Please visit the Roc-A-Natural website, rocanatural.com and complete the Vendor registration form and make payment via PayPal to reserve your space.
If you need additional information, please email me at ran@rocanatural.com.
Join Roc-A-Natural on Facebook & Twitter:
@RocANatural / #RocANatural #ran2016expo #ranhotspavilion #beautyfromtheinsideout #nugrowhair #ceeceesclosetnyc #veramoorecosmetics #skindeep #moorefabuloustips #ultimatebetterworldsolutions #ricardoablack #thesheabuttercreamdiva #youthpreneurs #entrepreneurs #financiallyempowered #culturedexpressions #herbsthatheal #itworks #precisemgmt #dreadzandheads #vibrantexpressions #2Litecreations #rainsoulseednutrition #healthandwellness #transformyourlife #transformyourmind #healthyeating #healthyfood #fitforlife #healthyskin #healthytips #meditationforlife #naturalhair #ranexpo #healthandbeauty #healthandwellness #teamnatural #naturalhair #healthyhair #naturalhairstyles #teamnatural #healthyhairtips #healthyhair