Did you know your feet has fewer oil glands than the skin found on any other parts of the body?
In a pair of feet, there are 250,000 sweat glands which are more susceptible to the effects of dry air. During the winter, wearing boots and other enclosed shoes, nights out on the dance floor, and the occasional morning jog, it’s fair to say that our feet certainly get exposed to the elements. During the summer, wearing open sandels and/or flip flops exposes our feet to dirt that accumulates on them when walking on sidewalks. A layer of SheaButtercreamdiva Shea Buttercream on the feet will protect them and be a barrier from dirt ever coming in contact with your skin. No matter the lifestyle, dry skin is a very common complaint, especially on your feet. Luckily, it doesn’t take rocket science to treat dry skin on feet. In fact, a simple daily moisturizing routine could be what you need to have smooth, soft, fresh-feeling feet, and develop the confidence to show them off.
When it comes to dry skin, it’s important to stay hydrated. In addition to drinking plenty of water, utilizing a quality moisturizer such as the SheaButtercreamdiva Shea Buttercream on your feet at night will be beneficial. Sealing in moisture, by wearing a pair of cotton socks, will also help soften your feet.
The SheaButtercreamdiva Shea Buttercream is absorbed by the skin, helping it to retain its own natural water in the outermost layer. It also acts as an extra barrier, protecting your skin from the elements. Nourishing ingredients such as argan oil, coconut oil, avocado and chamomile are found in the SheaButtercreamdiva Shea Buttercream, and are great combatants for treating dry skin. SheaButterdiva Shea Buttercream can be used daily, after a foot scrub, with my sugar scrubbies, or just after a shower to keep your skin hydrated and soft. The SheaButtercreamdiva Shea Buttercream is also great on your hair to lock in extra moisture, especially in cold, dry winter air.
Join AdriAnne Everett, The SheaButtercreamdiva at the 3rd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo ,Sunday, April 10, 2016 at the Holiday Inn, 440 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 and get in on her special offer: Buy 3 items and you get 1 small jar of SheaButtercreamdiva Sugar Scrubbies for free!
Ms. Everett was born and raised in New York. She has always been an entrepreneur that has been inspired by the health of her and her family. The Sheabuttercreamdiva Shea Buttercream is a family owned and operated business.
For more information about Ms. AdriAnne Everett and The SheaButtercreamdiva, contact her at 917.686.8242, IG:@Thesheabuttercreamdiva, web: Thesheabuttercreamdiva.bigcartel.com
"Luxury for your skin"
"It's all about being in a natural state of mine"
Join Dr. Jeff Gardere, America's Psychologist and Keynote Speaker at the 3rd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, April 10, 2016 at The Holiday Inn, 440 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, as he empowers you to transform your life to a healthy and natural state of mind!
Come be inspired by the following workshops & MORE:
"Youth-Preneurs: Learning The Tools To Be The Boss" w/William Clanton, Precise MGMT
"Fitness and Food Demo: Champion Tips on Eating Healthy Snacks" w/Omowale Adewale, Fighter, Author, Introduction To Veganism & Global Agriculture
"The Power of H20: NuLife Healthy Living Water" w/Thelma Kingsale
"Herbs That Heal" w/Zakiyyah Maakheper-Ast, The Herbalist, Sacred Healing 7 Herb Center
"Loving My Natural Hair...What If I Have No hair?" w/Malaika Tamu-Cooper, Dreadz and Heads
"Roc-A-Head Wrap: Learn How To Wrap Your Crown and Glory" w/Lisa Shepard-Stewart, Cultured Expressions
**Calling on all Youth-Preneurs, Educators, Speakers, Holistic Practitioners, Demonstrator, Sponsors, Vendors, Designers, Stylists, Entertainers and Volunteers**
Get your General Admission ticket for $10.00 ...Students and Seniors are $5.00 by visiting www.rocanatural.com/Shop!!!
This is the perfect venue for you to showcase your products and/or services to an estimated audience of 400 to 600 enthusiastic consumers in the tri-state area! We are committed to providing an exceptional experience for our exhibitors as well as our attendees. Reserve your spot TODAY for $325 until February 28, 2016! Youth-Preneurs, $225 and B.O.B.S.A members special discount fee $275!!!
Please visit the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com and complete the Vendor registration form and make payment via PayPal to reserve your space.
If you need additional information, please email me at ran@rocanatural.com.
Join Roc-A-Natural on Facebook & Twitter:
@RocANatural / #RocANatural #ran2016expo #ranhotspavilion #beautyfromtheinsideout #thesheabuttercreamdiva #adrianneeverett #SomethingBetter #paularalphbirkett #nulifehealthylivingwater #thelmakingsale #healthysnacks #omowaleadewale #malaikatamucooper #dreadzandheads #kangenwater #youthpreneurs #williamclanton #precisemgmt #entrepreneurs #financiallyempowered #culturedexpressions #lisashepartstewart #herbsthatheal #theherbalist #sacredhealing7herbcenter #itworks #tahiramorrison #vibrantexpressions #patmabry #2Litecreations #kellywilford #rainsoulseednutrition #sakinahbethkinley #djbme #erichines #healthandwellness #transformyourlife #transformyourmind #healthyeating #healthyfood #fitforlife #healthyskin #healthytips #meditationforlife #naturalhair #ranexpo #healthandbeauty #healthandwellness #teamnatural #naturalhair #healthyhair #naturalhairstyles #teamnatural #healthyhairtips #healthyhair