Music soothes the savage beast, so they say. But can it calm a stressed-out mom or help someone get over an illness? Can it transport you into the realm of imagination? Can music make you focus better and rise to your peak in competition?
You probably know what the answer is already. Yes. Music can do this, and more.
Music’s beneficial effects on mental health have been known for thousands of years. Ancient philosophers from Plato to Confucius and the kings of Israel sang the praises of music and used it to help soothe stress. Military bands use music to build confidence and courage. Sporting events provide music to rouse enthusiasm. School children use music to memorize their ABCs. Shopping malls play music to entice consumers and keep them in the store. Dentists play music to help calm nervous patients.
Modern research supports conventional wisdom that music benefits mood and confidence. Because of our unique experiences, we develop different musical tastes and preferences. Despite these differences, there are some common responses to music. Babies love lullabies. Maternal singing is particularly soothing, regardless of a mom’s formal musical talents or training. Certain kinds of music can make almost anyone feel worse, even if they say they enjoys it. A study was done on 144 adults and teenagers who listened to 4 different kinds of music. Grunge music led to significant increases in hostility, sadness, tension, and fatigue among the entire group. Even among the teenagers who said they liked it. In another study, college students reported that pop, rock, oldies, and classical music helped them feel happier, more optimistic, friendly, relaxed, and calm.
Meet Paula Ralph Birkett, Singer/Songwriter who knows first hand about music being the answer for healing your mind, body and soul. Dealing with her own difficulties she wrote music to encourage herself and realized she was writing music for folks going through some kind of transition - building a business, recovering from a loss, creating a family, getting healthy. She believes everyone has a champion inside that could use a little reinforcement and says,"Most of my songs are very personal and illustrate the anxieties of life. But also the hope life can bring, if we choose it.”
Paula has performed in the venues big and small in the New York Metro area and Europe, including the Schomburg Library for Black Culture, The Greene Space at WNYC, the United Nations, and Verona, Italy. Her music is a journey thru spirit, sound, and sincerity, which can be heard on her soon to be released single and EP #SomethingBetter. Crisscrossing thru Soul, R&B, Jazz, and singer/songwriter #SomethingBetter explores stories of trials and triumph, so listeners can imagine their own path of possibilities. She says, “Every superhero needs a soundtrack to win. And #SomethingBetter is that soundtrack.” Check out the link below to hear her latest single #SomethingBetter and be empowered to illuminate your beauty from the inside out for a healthy and natural state of mind:
https://soundcloud.com/paula-ralph-birkett/somethingbetter-by-paula-ralph-birkett Stir up the #SomethingBetter in you and visit Paula at www.singpaula.com
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
Join Paula at the 3rd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, Sunday, April 10, 2016 at the Holiday Inn, 440 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 as she renders spoken word and a song to elevate and encourage you toward finding your own unique beauty.
*Get involve by becoming an Educator, Speaker, Holistic Practitioner, Demonstrator, Sponsor, Vendor, Designer, Stylist, Entertainer and Volunteer*
**I am excited to announce William S. Clanton, Owner, Precise MGMT and Founding member of the John Maxwell Coaching, Speaking and Teaching Team has become a Roc-A-Natural Gold Sponsor of Marketing Collateral! Mr. Clanton will also be "Teaching youth how to fail forward and chase their dreams" at the Youth-Preneur Workshop designed to give practical ideas on how to chase your dreams and overcome the mindset of failure.**
Get your General Admission ticket for $10.00 ...Students and Seniors are $5.00 by visiting www.rocanatural.com!!!
This is the perfect venue for you to showcase your products and/or services to an estimated audience of 400 to 600 enthusiastic consumers in the tri-state area! We are committed to providing an exceptional experience for our exhibitors as well as our attendees. Reserve your spot TODAY for $325 until February 28, 2016! Youth-Preneurs for $225 and B.O.B.S.A members special discount fee $275!!!
Please visit the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com and complete the Vendor registration form and make payment via PayPal to reserve your space.
If you need additional information, please email me at ran@rocanatural.com.
Join Roc-A-Natural on Facebook & Twitter:
@RocANatural / #RocANatural #ran2016expo #ranhotspavilion #beautyfromtheinsideout #singpaula #fearless #SomethingBetter #youthpreneurs #entrepreneurs #financiallyempowered #herbsthatheal #itworks #thesheabuttercreamdiva #vibrantexpressions #2Litecreations #rainsoulseednutrition #culturedexpressions #precisemgmt #docbongo #healthandwellness #transformyourlife #transformyourmind #healthyeating #healthyfood #fitforlife #healthyskin #healthytips #meditationforlife #naturalhair #ranexpo #healthandbeauty #healthandwellness #teamnatural #naturalhair #healthyhair #naturalhairstyles #teamnatural #healthyhairtips #healthyhair