The Day of Romance many call Valentine's Day...the celebration of love and affection is celebrated each year on February 14th and exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special "valentine." This day was named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century, but has origins in the Roman holiday Lupercalia.
Give your Boo the gift of Roc-A-Natural Body By RAN B-Oil (introducing the new Aloe Silk Formula) and B-Butter to show how much you love them. Limited Time Only!!! $45 Gift Set - A cup of "love is" with B-Butter-Black Woman, .5oz B-Oil-U.S and .5oz B-Oil-Black Woman Aloe Silk Formula $45 Gift Set - A cup of "You are my happily ever after" with B-Butter-Original , .5oz B-Oil-U.S and .5oz B-Oil-H.I.M Aloe Silk Formula $55 Gift Set - A heart-felt bowl of love with B-Butter-Black Woman, .5oz B-Oil-H.E.R Aloe Silk Formula and .5oz B-Oil-Citrus Aloe Silk Formula $65 Gift Set - A couples heart-felt bowl of love with B-Butter-Original, B-Butter-Black Woman, .5oz B-Oil-H.E.R and .5oz B-Oil-U.S
"It's all about being in a natural statue of mind" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Roc-A-Natural: Empowered By Design" I am proud to announce that Roc-A-Natural in collaboration with the Central Family Life Center recognition of National HIV/AIDS Awareness Day are sponsoring H.O.T.S. Heals One Total Self, Health and Wellness Pavilion, on Saturday, February 27th, 2016 from 12pm to 6pm located at 59 Wright Street, Staten Island, NY 10304 for an empowering health and wellness experience. This FREE healing event will be offering workshops on various health issues including blood pressure, colon, heart, diabetes, HIV/AIDS testing (with gifts to the first 25 first time tested), Domestic Violence, Fatherhood and Cure Violence. *** VENDORS, HAND & FOOT REFLEXOLOGY, REIKI, MASSAGE THERAPIST, HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS AND MORE OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE for $60.00 to include a table and 1 chair. Please send an email with your interest to ran@rocanatural.com no later than FEBRUARY 14, 2016 and I will send you vendor registration form*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring The Spirit of Service to Black History Month...Stand Up to Help Others Stand Tall! Channel your pride for progress and continue the march forward by helping others during Black History Month. Adults, children, and entire communities will benefit from your can-do commitment. CALLING ON ALL YOUTH-PRENEURS!!! Be apart of the solution and become a Vendor at the 3rd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, April 10, 2016 at The Holiday Inn, 440 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. This is the perfect venue for you to showcase your products and/or services to an estimated audience of 400 to 600 enthusiastic consumers in the tri-state area! We are committed to providing an exceptional experience for our exhibitors as well as our attendees. Reserve your spot TODAY until Feb 14, 2016 for $275.00 ONLY! New Vendors for $325 until February 29, 2016 while exhibit space is still available. After deadline, the fee will increase to $375 from March 1 - 31, 2016. **Get your General Admission ticket for $10.00 ...Students and Seniors are $5.00 by visiting www.rocanatural.com/Shop** Please visit the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com and complete the Vendor registration form and make payment via PayPal to reserve your space. If you need additional information, please email me at ran@rocanatural.com. Join Roc-A-Natural on Facebook & Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Roc-A-Natural @RocANatural / #RocANatural #ran2016expo #ranhotspavilion #beautyfromtheinsideout #youthprenuers #financiallyempowered #soulseednutrition #herbsthatheal #itworks #thesheabuttercreamdiva #vibrantexpressions #2Litecreations #healthandwellness #transformyourlife #transformyourmind #healthyeating #healthyfood #fitforlife #healthyskin #healthytips #meditationforlife #naturalhair #ranexpo #healthandbeauty #healthandwellness #teamnatural #naturalhair #healthyhair #naturalhairstyles #teamnatural #healthyhairtips #healthyhair If you have been inspired by Roc-A-Natural, please consider supporting the fundraising campaign for Roc-A-Natural 2016 Expohttp://de.gofund.me/com/2016RANexpo. Join the conversation at www.facebook.com/groups/rocanatural and follow on Twitter at twitter.com/rocanatural