Decades ago when food processing first began, it became regular practice to alter that which nature provided. Thus began the era of "frankenfoods."
Whole, nutritious natural foods that mostly came straight from the farm to the table were replaced by over-processed, refined and chemical laden, mass-produced convenience foods. And fats were no different. Over four decades healthy sources of fats were replaced with vegetable oils that were thought to be "better-for-you." We now know they've done more harm than good.
The following four are the worst offenders you should avoid at all costs:
Canola - Animals and insects avoid it in nature, here's why you should too...
There is no such thing as a canola in nature. Canola oil is actually a modified version of rapeseed oil. Asian and Indian cultures used rapeseed oil for centuries, but it was never consumed in the large quantities that Americans do.
The rape plant (in the mustard family) contains cyanide-containing compounds and wild animals and even insects avoid it in nature. The refining process of deodorizing and bleaching to become canola oil involves exposing rapeseed oil to high heat, which greatly reduces the omega 3 content (perhaps it's only original redeeming factor). Consumption of this "GMO Oil" has been linked to muscular disorders and fatty degeneration of the heart, kidneys, adrenals and thyroid gland. To avoid it, check labels closely - even in so-called healthy products - because it's practically everywhere.
Cottonseed Oil - An industrial plant saturated with pesticides...
Thousands of commercially produced foods contain cottonseed oil; everything from canned foods to chips and other packaged items. It is even in beverages such as Gatorade. However, cotton is not a food crop, and is therefore not treated like an edible crop but an industrial one. Virtually anything can be sprayed on cotton plants to ward off insects and induce growth. Dangerous poisons such as trifluralin, cyanide, dicofol, propargite and naled are used on cotton crops. These work their way deep into the plants, literally transforming them into toxic organisms.
While it may be ok for making pants and shirts, cottonseed oil is truly not safe to consume. The majority of cotton plants are genetically modified - altered at the molecular level. Even though we are not eating the cotton plant directly, the extracted oil contains the same properties as the plant.
Besides a high amount of omega-6 fatty acids, cottonseed oil has a similar protein structure to peanuts, so people who are allergic to peanuts may have a serious allergic reaction to this oil, as well. However, the FDA does not require an allergy label on the oil - even though peanut oils can be fatal.
Safflower - Studies show an increase of Omega-6 also increases the rate of death by heart disease, reason enough to avoid this oil...
If you still believe that saturated fat and cholesterol are a direct cause of heart disease then safflower oil probably seems like a healthy swap.
Previous studies had found that by substituting animal fats with vegetable oils such as safflower, cholesterol levels would indeed drop. However, what the earlier studies failed to evaluate was the high ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats in these oils and that the amount of omega-6 fatty acids in the American diet was growing astronomically.
Researchers now have evidence that it may not be cholesterol that kills, but omega-6's. When a group of individuals replaced animal fats with omega-6-rich safflower oil, their cholesterol levels decreased, however, the rates of death from cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease increased significantly as compared to those consuming the animal fats. These results prompted researchers to re-evaluate their theories on saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease and point the finger at the formerly dubbed "heart-healthy" omega-6 fatty acid.
Soybean - The GMO, hormone disrupting nightmare "health" food they keep telling you is safe...
Oh, the ever-questionable soybean. While marketers will have you believe that soy is beneficial because our healthy Asian counterparts consume it regularly, this is arguably one of the biggest nutritional myths out there. Asians enjoy soy in its fermented state and in considerably smaller quantities than we do.
Ninety-three percent of American soy is GMO and most of the soy we consume is in its unfermented state. This highly processed soy has been linked to numerous conditions including thyroid damage and hormone disruption thanks to its large quantities of estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens. As for soybean oil, up to 80 percent of the oil we consume today is soybean oil. It's highly processed and heavily hydrogenated and found in a vast majority of products on supermarket shelves. And don't think choosing organic soy makes you any safer... as some so-called "organic" soy farms have been found to be fraudulent... passing off the GMO-product for the real thing. It's best to avoid soybean oil completely.
We can almost guarantee you have one of these oils or foods containing these oils sitting in your pantry right now. Maybe you even used one of these oils when you cooked your dinner last night. And today you're coming to the sad realization that YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO BY THE FOOD MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY.
Actual healthy foods have been vilified-and your "so-called" healthy food choices have been manipulated by manufacturers getting richer by the day. All while your diet has grown more and more nutritionally-void every day!
We've received an overwhelming response to The Roc-A-Natural "H.O.T.S" Heal Ones Total Self Pavilion and Kwanzaa Celebration and have now reached vendor capacity.
A Kujichagulia Day of Healing and Kwanzaa Celebration: for an empowing and enriching natural and holistic healing experience!!!.
In collaboration with Mt. Sinai United Christian Church Health & Wellness Ministry.
Located at The Mount Sinai Center for Community Enrichment, 382 Jersey Street, Staten Island, NY 10301
On Sunday, December 27, 2015 from 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Our "Thanks" to everyone who expressed an interest to participate as a Vendor and assisted with advocating for a Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit! You can still be apart of this epic Healing Celebration by PURCHASING YOUR TICKET TODAY for only $10.00 via EventBrite:http://www. eventbrite.com/e/roc-a- natural-hots-pavilion-a- kujichagulia-day-of-healing- on-staten-island-tickets- 19561516021! Receive A FREE GIFT BAG sponsored by EmblemHealth and NaturallyCurly.com, while supplies last!
Meet our Holistic Practitioners and Vendors who will provide you with a variety of health and wellness products, services, art, accessories, and MORE:
* "Lynns2hand". Afrocentric Fashion & Accessories.
* "J. Lexi, LLC" for Uncommon Beauty, handmade holistic and natural products. Utilizing a combination of fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, probiotics, herbs, botanicals, vitamins & proteins.
* "Whole Health Cellular Scan" and "New Life Healthy Water" with Thelma Kingsale. Providing information on the benefits of drinking the right kind of water.
* Juicing It Up with Virgil Meyers! All Hail To "The Queen Kale Smoothie".
* "Embrace the Energy" with Nichole - Reike Master. Step into the Energy Vortex through her integrative therapies.
* "Earthly Treasures" with Walter Cantry. A Massage that will de-stress and relax you.
* "Herbs That Heal 7" with Sha Mualmak
* "C Mychelle Designs, LLC" . Pause and enjoy the abundance of beauty in my art captured from around the world.
* "Clara's Cutesies Crochet and Knitwear" . Clothing made with you in mind.
* " Organo Gold Coffee" with Kimiko Kimble. Challenges you to come out and taste free samples of the Coffee" and compare!
* "Your Reiki Relief/Nitjuan Designs Jewelry" by Juanita Martin. She handcrafts each piece and infuses it with Reiki energy which will positively enhance your well-being.
Educational and healing workshops on various healing topics:
* "Just For Us Brothers with Dr. Natural, Temple of Illumination(TBD)
* " Healing from Other People's Stuff" with Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil, PHD, LAc, LMT, CNC Energy Institute of the Healing Arts Foundation, Inc.
* "Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership" with Jill Johnson, CEO. Building Communities Through Entrepreneurial Leadership.
* "Kwanzaa Celebration performance by Eric Clarke Jazz Musician, and Others
"It's all about being in a Natural State of Mind"
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* For more information, send an email to ran@rocanatural.com or visit www.rocanatural.com