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RAN Tip of The Week! How Many People Live Inside of You? by Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil, PHD, LAc, LMT, CNC

Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil, PHD, LAc, LMT, CNC

How many people live inside of you? To find the answer, you must perform a self-exploratory of one self. This self examination is a wonderful thing because it allows you to really step back and look at you. It allows you not to look at others in your world. It is the time when you are alone with you. It is the time for the real conversation between you and GOD. This is the time to face the pleasant and unpleasant elements about you. Unveil your hidden secrets, opening away for you to truly deal with them or just keep them hidden.

The process is focused on what you are about and what you are developing for your life. It is truly about your feelings, emotions, gestures, reactions, do's and don’ts; things you will accept and what you won’t; your relationship with others and how they relate to you. Your ability to make things happen or become stagnated in life. When we begin self-exploring our life, we should first stop and take inventory of all of the people who live inside of us. These are the people or person(s) making daily decisions. This intimate conversation will be either verbal or mental.

The conversations aids in understanding which person is in the forefront of our life and who is in the background; which of these persons are strong and which of these persons are weak; which of these persons living inside makes things happen in life and who is the procrastinator; which person inside interacts with the experience of personal encounters at work, with friends, build community relationships, engage in recreational activities, and enjoys the intimacies of life.

It all boils down to one thing, which of our personalities is in charge of our life on a daily bases and how does that personality aid us in our growth and development. Once we have an understanding of these people, then we will have a greater relationship with ourselves. By knowing these people who live inside of us, allows you to navigate the world in a more precise manner. “Life is easy; we make it hard.”

Self-exploratory, is a grand map of you and how you really feel about yourself, whether your self-esteem is in a pleasant place or whether you can’t find yourself. It has to do with your likes and dislikes. Your habits, manners, behaviors, or self-respect. It is the most-deepest level of consciousness we could evoke. Only because, self-exploratory is our direct link to GOD. When we promote the idea of self-exploratory, the conversation is generated through our spiritual phone. The one that take no physical payment, but invigorates the vibration surrounding us in its pathway directly to GOD. With this call, the conversation puts everything on the table and shows who we really are in this life time. It show our character, how we develop or not develop with the physical world. It gives us the permission to make change that will either invigorate our GOD consciousness or lead us into self-destruction.

B Well & Enjoy Your Life

Be on the lookout for “Healing From Other People’s Stuff,” lecture, and workshop. Book to be published spring 2016.

Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil, PHD, LAc, LMT, CNC

Energy Institute of the Healing Arts Foundation, Inc,, 301-249-2445


Join Dr. Akmal Muwwakkil for his "Healing from Other People's Stuff" Workshop at The Roc-A-Natural "H.O.T.S Heal Ones Total Self Pavilion: A Kujichagulia Day of Healing in collaboration with Bronx Healing and The Mt. Sinai United Christian Church Health & Wellness Ministry. Sunday, December 27, 2015 at The Mt. Sinai Center for Community Enrichment, 382 Jersey St, Staten Island, NY 10301!!

GET YOUR TICKET TODAY for only $10.00 via EventBrite:!!!

Be apart of the inspiration for *2016* and begin your healing of ones total self for a Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit by entering the healing gates from 12:00pm - 6:00 pm. Enjoy a sample of Roc-A-Natural Detox Water while supplies last, to begin your detoxification process. Meet our healing practitioners who will educate you on the benefits of Alkaline Water and maintaining a healthy pH level; Embracing The Energy with Reiki, Foot Reflexology and relax with a Massage. You will also receive an abundance of information on various holistic healing modalities. You may also choose to have a consultation with a personal coach. There will be vendors with a variety of health and wellness products, books and accessories and delicious nutritious food.

Don't just take it from me; see below responses about our October 11, 2015 healing event:

"It was a beautiful day for all of the healing feastivies. It was truly awesome!" Doreen Berksteiner-Brown

"I really enjoyed the day and I gained a host of knowledge and inspiration to apply to my day-by-day living...thank you!... Looking forward to the next one!" Renee Jordan, Owner of RJ's Accessories

"Congratulations Dorcas Meyers on an awesome event. The time, love and attention you dedicated in coordinating this event were evident. You set the stage with the most perfect ambiance filled with positive energy from the perfect blend of like-minded individuals. Even the weather played its part in complimenting the day. I’m excitingly looking forward to future events. Thank you so much for including me."...Thelma Kingsale

"The event on Oct. 11th was amazing! Looking forward to the next one. Thank you so much! Still floating from reflexology" Mai Zharvvorsi(Tracy)

"The food by Praises Enterprises was healthy, delicious and affordable. The seminars and presentations were educational and my favorite, Deanna Hope-Felix, the reflexologist... OMG!!!! Kudos to Roc-A-Natural for putting together such a wonderful event! I look forward to the next H.O.TS. event." Lisa Howard

"Just want to say again what a nice event it was and lots of good vibes and conversation. I'm still taking it all in". Karen Felton-Hadley

This event will also be in celebration of the second day of Kwanzaa, Kujichagulia(Self Determination) with family and in support of the Roc-A-Natural fundraising efforts for the 3rd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, NYC April 2016. For more information on The Expo, visit

Roc-A-Natural would like to thank for their product sponsorship of L'Oreal EverCurl Care System for gift bags for the first 50 attendees at this epic health and wellness event.

Thanking all of you in advance for your anticipated support of Roc-A-Natural and advocating for a healthier community!

"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"


Vendor Fee - $40.00-include table and two chairs; $25.00-must bring your own table; $50.00-Food Vendor(include access to Kitchen). Send email request to Dorcas Meyers at and I will send you a Vendor Registration Form for completion and payment received via PayPal to no later than December15, 2015.

Join Roc-A-Natural on Facebook & Twitter:

@RocANatural / #RocANatural

* For more information:

*If you have been inspired by Roc-A-Natural, please consider supporting the fundraising campaign for Roc-A-Natural 2016 Expo:

Roc-A-Natural H.O.T.S Pavilion
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