I'm a big believer in cleansing when done properly. There is no need for starvation or drinking lemon water all day.
Detoxing involves cleansing the liver with supportive whole foods and herbs and reducing inflammation in the digestive tract and body. To shed further light why detox is necessary, let us first praise the liver.
The liver is your second largest organ (behind the skin) and acts as a filter to neutralize toxins in everything you eat, drink, breathe, and apply to your skin.
When it’s functioning optimally, you’ll enjoy good energy, good hormone balance, good sleep, good moods and clear skin.
If you suffer from PMS, weight gain, acne, joint pain, skin rashes, high cholesterol, depression or irritability, fatigue, or just generally feeling puffy or inflamed, a congested and overworked liver could be the culprit.
While it's true that the liver is the body's own self cleaning device, it can become easily overwhelmed by toxins from our food supply, too much booze, over the counter and recreational drugs, birth control pills, cosmetics and body care products, and pollution.
All of it must be detoxed by the liver and excreted via urine, digestive tract, or skin. So if you don’t poop regularly, sweat enough, or drink enough water, you can add to your toxic load. And if you take in more toxins than your liver can process, it becomes sluggish, and symptoms result.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is the seat of emotions, which is why irritability, anxiety and depression are associated with liver stagnation.
It is highly recommended cleansing twice yearly-–ideally in the spring and fall, and for 14 to 21 days. There are myriad ways to cleanse, some more effective and safer than others, but generally, removing inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs, sugar, alcohol and coffee while taking a slight mixture of something or supplement with liver supportive herbs, such as milk thistle, will suffice.
To support your liver on a daily basis, adapt some every day cleansing practices into your life. Drinking Roc-A-Natural Detox Water is a great start!(available online for local pick-up ONLY at www.rocanatural.com)
Here are 10 ways you can keep your liver happy every day:
1. Start your morning off with hot water and the juice of a fresh lemon with a pinch of cayenne. Very cleansing and alkalinizing.
2. Before you get into the shower, do two minutes of dry skin brushing from toe up to neck to stimulate the lymphatic system.
3. For breakfast, have a cleansing smoothie made with spirulina and chlorella, berries, chia seeds, and hemp protein. Enjoy green veggie juices and/or Roc-A-Natural Detox Water during the day.
4. Incorporate the cruciferous veggies into at least one meal daily. They contain phytonutrients that support liver detox pathways.
5. Eat fermented foods such as raw kraut with meals. They are a rich source of probiotics enzymes to support digestion.
6. Drink herbal detox tea blends between meals.
7. Have some curry! The turmeric in curry powder is anti-inflammatory and contributes to the production of glutathione, a potent liver-protective antioxidant. Avocados are also a rich source of glutathione.
8. Get enough fiber-rich foods to bind up toxins in the gut and help promote regularity. If you're constipated, toxins from the bowel can be reabsorbed into your system. Try legumes (especially lentils), raspberries, root vegetables, apples, pears, avocados and almonds. Avoid gluten and dairy, which can be constipating.
9. Get out there and sweat! Exercise or sit in a sauna. Sweating liberates toxins.
10. Take an epsom salt bath before bed. Not only will magnesium-rich epsom salts help you sleep, they also help draw toxins out of the body. Use 2-4 cups of epsom salts and add a few drops of your favorite Roc-A-Natural Body By RAN B-Oil(available online at www.rocanatural.com) for relaxation.
To learn more on detoxification and healing your mind, body and spirit, join me at the Roc-A-Natural "H.O.T.S Heal Ones Total Self Pavilion: A Kujichagulia Day of Healing in collaboration with Bronx Healing and The Mt. Sinai United Christian Church Health & Wellness Ministry. Sunday, December 27, 2015, at The Mt. Sinai Center for Community Enrichment, 382 Jersey St, Staten Island, NY 10301. Experience an empowering and enriching natural and holistic healing from 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
Get your ticket TODAY for only $10.00 via EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/roc-a-natural-hots-pavilion-a-kujichagulia-day-of-healing-tickets-19201413946
This event will also be in celebration of the second day of Kwanzaa, Kujichagulia(Self Determination) with family and in support of the Roc-A-Natural fundraising efforts for the 3rd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo, NYC April 2016. For more information on The Expo, visit www.rocanatural.com.
*Roc-A-Natural is pleased to announce the sponsorship support of NaturallyCurly.com to provide samples for gift bags for the first 50 attendees at this event.
Fee - $25.00(Food Vendor - $50.00). Email ran@rocanatural.com for vendor registration form.
Thanking you in advance for your anticipated support of Roc-A-Natural and advocating for a healthier community.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
For more information, visit www.rocanatural.com or 917-406-7736.
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*If you have been inspired by Roc-A-Natural, please consider supporting the fundraising campaign for Roc-A-Natural 2016 Expo:http://de.gofund.me/2016RANexpo