Hair gels have a topical application, meaning you apply them externally on your hair and not on your scalp. They come in a gel, liquid and spray form. Hair Gels contain a plastic called PVP (which is a polymer sealer) which is needed in order to shape the hair, as desired. The polymers present in the PVP are generally dissolved in water or an alcohol solution, so that they form a clear film between each hair that helps in binding strands of hair together, helping your hair even defy gravity sometimes!
But are Hair gels Safe?
‘Hair gels cause hair loss’ is a very popular yet untrue Hair Loss Myth! A fact that is echoed by the American Academy of Family Physicians, which states that it is improper care which causes hair loss and not the use of everyday products such as hair gel or mousse, hair spray etc. While hair gels may not be the reason why you are going bald, they definitely can be the reason why you have dry, coarse or brittle hair. The main reason why hair gel application can be harmful to one’s hair is because of the ingredients. Hair gels generally contain a lot of chemicals that can not only damage your hair but your scalp too.
Following is a list of some of the chemicals that are generally found in Hair Gels,
Tetrasodium EDTA
While the above mentioned are just a few amongst a huge list of chemicals used as ingredients in various hair gels, there is an equally huge list of side effects caused by the chemicals too! The side effects range from human immune system toxication to effects on the brain and the nervous systems along with possible effects on the sensory organs too. In fact some of the chemicals used as ingredients in hair gels are even known as possible carcinogens, for eg: Polyquaternium-11. However clinical trials are yet to confirm it as a carcinogen.
Given the probable health risks posed by hair gels and wear and tear of the hair, causing it to become brittle, rough and coarse which in turn can lead to hair loss, I began to embrace my own natural curls and waves and let them lay with the help of my DIY moisturizer.
DIY Moisturizer & Tamer
1/4 cup Silicone free deep conditioner
1 1/2 -2 cups of water
1/4 cup of Body By RAN B-Oil
Spray bottle
Add all of the ingredients to a spray bottle and shake until well blended. Spray daily or as needed.
Note: For the Curlies, Step AWAY from the silicone products. Silicone suffocates your hair! Unlike straight hair, our hair cannot handle silicone at all. Silicone coats the hair, which means none of the products you use will actually penetrate the hair. Hot oil treatments and deep conditioners won’t work well with silicone in your hair. You CAN’T wash out silicone. It is not water soluble. So every-time you wash your hair, more and more just builds up. Eventually your hair just gets flat, and dull, and gross. It’ll look good the first two days, maybe, if you’re lucky. By the fourth or fifth day though, it’ll be flat and dull and weighed down and frizzy. Silicone weighs down hair and the effect is a lot more noticeable on curly hair. I recently made the switch to non-silicone products, and it was really worth it. Try shopping at the online store called CurlMart .
If you’re using any type of shampoo or conditioner with silicone you should use some type of clarifying product once a week to get all of it out of your hair. Then you should apply some type of deep treatment to your hair once a week because remember, it’s not getting any kind of help throughout the week because the silicone seals it off. Alternatives to clarifying shampoos would be diluted vinegar or baking soda mixed in water.
If you have been inspired by Roc-A-Natural, please consider supporting the fundraising campaign for Roc-A-Natural 2016 Expo:http://de.gofund.me/2016RANexpo
Thanking you in advance for your support!
Join Roc-A-Natural @ The Staten Island Black Heritage Day Parade on Saturday, September 19, 2015, promoting natural beauty, health and wellness. Show the community how you Roc-A-Natural by walking in the Peoples Parade with Roc-A-Natural for a donation of $10.00 and receive .5 oz bottle of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus; For your donation of $20.00, you will receive a Roc-A-Natural T-shirt & sample bottle of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus; For a donation of $25.00, you will receive a Roc-A-Natural T-shirt & .5oz of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus, payable via PayPal to ran@rocanatural.com.
Your generous donations are in support of Roc-A-Natural Fundraising Campaign for 2016 Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Transform Your Life Expo.
Sign up for a FREE workout session on the Main Stage from 10:00am-10:45am by Verrazano Cross Fit, 498 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10304.
The first 10 participants to sign up will receive a FREE sample of Body By RAN B-Oil, a 100% natural moisturizer from head to toe and a Raffle Ticket for a chance to win a few surprise gifts at the end of your workout session! In addition, all participants will get a FREE cup of Roc-A-Natural Detox Water to quench your thirst and start you off on your detoxification regimen for a healthier body.
What are you waiting for? Visit the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com to sign up today!
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
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ran@rocanatural.com, www.rocanatural.com