There's Nothing To It, But To Do It!
Verrazano CrossFit, 498 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10304 want to help you to get your sexy back and inspire you to live in a healthy state of mind by offering a FREE 1 week trial workout session to the first 10 people who sign up for the FREE workout session at the Staten Island Black Heritage Day presenting Roc-A-Natural H.O.T.S Pavilion on Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 10:00am-10:45am at the Historical Tappen Park, Bay & Canal Streets. This is a great way to heal ones total self and start you on your fitness journey for FREE!
Roc-A-Natural want to join in the motivational spirit and offer the first 20 participants who sign up, a FREE sample of Body By RAN B-Oil, a 100% natural moisturizer from head to toe and a Raffle Ticket for a chance to win a few surprise gifts at the end of your workout session!
In addition, all participants will get a FREE cup of Roc-A-Natural Detox Water to quench your thirst and start you off on your detoxification regimen for a healthier body.
What are you waiting for? Visit the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com to sign up today!
If you have been inspired by Roc-A-Natural, please consider supporting the fundraising campaign for Roc-A-Natural 2016 Expo:http://de.gofund.me/2016RANexpo
Thanking you in advance for your support!
It's that time of year again where Roc-A-Natural will be participating in The Staten Island Black Heritage Day Parade on September 19, 2015!
Join Roc-A-Natural @ The Staten Island Black Heritage Day Parade, promoting natural beauty, health and wellness for a donation of $10.00 and receive .5 oz bottle of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus; For your donation of $20.00, you will receive a Roc-A-Natural T-shirt & sample bottle of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus; For a donation of $25.00, you will receive a Roc-A-Natural T-shirt & .5oz of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus, payable via PayPal to ran@rocanatural.com.
Your generous donations are in support of Roc-A-Natural Fundraising Campaign for 2016 Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty "Be Inspired" Expo.
VENDOR OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE at the Staten Island Black Heritage Day for $40.00. Please send an email request to ran@rocanatural.com for registration form.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
https://www.facebook.com/groups/rocanatural @RocANatural / #RocANatural #rocanatural #rocnwednesday #ranhotspavilion @siblackheritageday @verrazanocrossfit #verrazanocrossfit @siblackheritagedayparade @historictappenpark #naturalhair #ranexpo #healthandbeauty #healthandwellness #teamnatural #naturalhair #blackhair #healthyhair #healthyskin #fitforlife #naturalhairstyles #teamnatural #naturalhair #healthytips #healthyhairtips #blackhair #healthyhair #healthyskin
ran@rocanatural.com, www.rocanatural.com