Staten Island Black Heritage Day presents Roc-A-Natural H.O.T.S Pavilion: Be Inspired To Transform Your Life to a healthy state of mind!
Join Roc-A-Natural H.O.T.S Pavilion on Saturday, September 19th @ Tappen Park, Water and Bay Streets, Staten Island, NY 10304 for a FREE workout session on the Main Stage @ 10AM by Verrazano Cross Fit, 498 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10304.
The first 10 participants to sign up will receive a FREE sample of Body By RAN B-Oil, a 100% natural moisturizer from head to toe and a Raffle Ticket for a chance to win a few surprise gifts at the end of your workout session! In addition, all participants will get a FREE cup of Roc-A-Natural Detox Water to quench your thirst and start you off on your detoxification regimen for a healthier body.
Sign up TODAY by clicking on the Verrazano Cross Fit logo on the Home page of the Roc-A-Natural website, www.rocanatural.com and send an email with your confirmation!
If you have been inspired by Roc-A-Natural, please consider supporting the fundraising campaign for Roc-A-Natural 2016 Expo:http://de.gofund.me/2016RANexpo
Thanking you in advance for your support!
It's that time of year again where Roc-A-Natural will be participating in The Staten Island Black Heritage Day Parade on September 19, 2015!
Join Roc-A-Natural @ The Staten Island Black Heritage Day Parade, promoting natural beauty, health and wellness for a donation of $10.00 and receive .5 oz bottle of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus; For your donation of $20.00, you will receive a Roc-A-Natural T-shirt & sample bottle of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus; For a donation of $25.00, you will receive a Roc-A-Natural T-shirt & .5oz of Body By RAN B-Oil-Citrus, payable via PayPal to ran@rocanatural.com.
Your generous donations are in support of Roc-A-Natural Fundraising Campaign for 2016 Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty "Be Inspired" Expo.
VENDOR OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE at the Staten Island Black Heritage Day for $40.00. Please send an email request to ran@rocanatural.com for registration form.
"It's all about being in a natural state of mind"
https://www.facebook.com/groups/rocanatural @RocANatural / #RocANatural #rocanatural #rocnwednesday #ranhotspavilion @siblackheritageday @verrazanocrossfit #verrazanocrossfit @siblackheritagedayparade @historictappenpark #naturalhair #ranexpo #healthandbeauty #healthandwellness #teamnatural #naturalhair #blackhair #healthyhair #healthyskin #fitforlife #naturalhairstyles #teamnatural #naturalhair #healthytips #healthyhairtips #blackhair #healthyhair #healthyskin
ran@rocanatural.com, www.rocanatural.com