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Thank You Bro Jamaal, Inner Light Radio

Writer's picture: Dorcas MeyersDorcas Meyers

I want to thank Bro Jamaal of for inviting Roc-A-Natural on his online radio show with Pearl Walker aka Hair Diva, Host; Dr. Milligan, Health Consultant; Bro Manifest Ra and Miss Autumn Anderson for Kinky Konversations "Black Lives Matter" Demonstrations and Boycott!

After an hour of intense and thought provoking conversation about the Millions March in DC, pitiful state of our Black Economics, support of Black Owned Businesses, Accountability and Transformation of our minds, it is safe to say we ended the program with the solution of we MUST sacrifice spending our dollars and cents in the major retail stores who do not rally with us for change! Black Friday weekend was reported to have an estimated revenue loss of $677 million dollars over a three day period! Imagine what the entire month of December could do? We MUST be the leaders and change we are looking for and bring in 2015 with a new attitude of economic empowerment! DON'T just talk about it; Be about it!

Support the Black Buyers Boycott! Visit Roc-A-Natural Facebook page for the latest posting of list of Black Owned Businesses we encourage you to support and add additional businesses for your shopping needs.

For more in depth conversations, tune into, 24/7 with live call-in programs on Tuesday, Wed and Thursday. Call in your comments: 310-928-7733 and website:

Join the conversation!

Roc-A-Natural H.O.T.S Pavilion
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