Do It Yourself Doo: Do you want to add fullness and length to your natural tresses? I say go ahead and accessorize your doo with natural hair pieces and extensions for that extra drama. I chose to add loc extensions to achieve my look. I used Afro Kinky hair that had been formed into locs and placed in desired area of my updoo as fillers in thin spaces for a fuller look and hanging tresses. This is great also when you want to add a splash of color without permanently coloring. Building Toned Arms: Everyone wants toned and shapely arms, but can't do push ups. You can have them w/o hitting the floor. Every other day, utilize a bench outdoors or a wall indoors and with hands at shoulders length apart, lean in chest forward and out for 4 reps of 25 or until you feel the burn! This is how I ROC my natural. How do you ROC yours? #howiROCmynatural Join us at the 2nd Annual Roc-A-Natural Hair, Health and Beauty:Transform Your Life Expo, Sun, April 12, 2015 @theschomburg
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